Cavity magnonic systems are ideally suited to explore the range of possibilities opened by tailoring the interactions between photons, phonons, and magnons. On the one hand, the radiation pressure-like coupling between magnons and phonons in magnets can modify the phonon frequency (magnomechanical spring effect) and decay rate (magnomechanical decay) via dynamical backaction. Such effects have been recently observed by coupling the uniform magnon mode of a magnetic sphere (the Kittel mode) to a microwave cavity. In particular, the ability to evade backaction effects has been recently demonstrated, which is a requisite for applications such as magnomechanical based thermometry. On the other hand, a magnomechanical system can be tailored such that a phonon and a magnon mode hybridize, forming a magnon-phonon polariton. This regime can be useful for transduction of information harnessing the tunability of the system and the characteristics of both collective excitations.