R. Catura, L. Acton, W. Brown, C. Gilbreth, L. Springer, J. Vieira, J. Culhane, I. Mason, O. Siegmund, T. Patrick, P. Sheather, K. Pounds, B. Cooke, K. Evans, J. Pye, G. Smith, A. Wells, J.E. Spragg, C.H. Whitford, A. Franks, B. Gale, K. Lindsey, M. Stedman, G Garmire, B. Margon, A. Fabian
Optical Engineering, Vol. 22, Issue 2, 222280, (April 1983) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7973099
It is with some trepidation that I undertake the use of the editorial as a means to express something of my individual approach to doing science. I will share the blame for my decision to "go public" with these thoughts with some outstanding researchers around the world who have urged me to do so. In addition, I will make this space available to credible scientists who wish to express other approaches. Part of the joy and charm of science is that, as a human activity, it is a highly individualized affair. All contributors with long careers develop a style of thinking that is unique and readily recognizable by their colleagues. I feel certain I could recognize the author of a paper by one of the "old timers" in my field without reading his or her name. Thus, rny remarks are of a personal nature and may not be useful to most readers. With all of these caveats expressed, I will delay no longer.