1 July 1992 Heating of biological tissue by laser irradiation: temperature distribution during laser ablation
A. M. Sagi-Dolev, Ariella Avidor-Zehavi, Avraham Shitzer, Miron Gerstmann, Solange Akselrod, Abraham Katzir
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A numerical model was developed for calculating the temperature distribution in material exposed to a laser beam. The model takes into account the different stages undergone by the tissue before material removal is achieved. The consecutive steps considered are: heating to the boiling temperature of water, boiling and evaporation of the water content, heating of the dehydrated tissue to its ablation temperature, removal of the relevant material, and adapting the new geometrical boundaries of the remaining tissue. The temperature field was computed by the model and measured experimentally in biological tissue exposed to pulses of highly absorbed laser radiation. Good agreement was obtained between the theoretical and the experimental results. This model may be applied to optimize the irradiation conditions for a specific application, to determine the temperature distribution during laser cutting, and to minimize the resulting thermal damage.
A. M. Sagi-Dolev, Ariella Avidor-Zehavi, Avraham Shitzer, Miron Gerstmann, Solange Akselrod, and Abraham Katzir "Heating of biological tissue by laser irradiation: temperature distribution during laser ablation," Optical Engineering 31(7), (1 July 1992). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.58733
Published: 1 July 1992
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Laser tissue interaction

Laser ablation



Laser irradiation

Thermal modeling

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