1 May 1995 Evaluation of curved crystals for cosmic x-ray spectroscopy
Thomas H. Markert, Claude R. Canizares, Christie S. Nelson, James M. Bauer, Bernard Peter Puc, Bruce E. Woodgate
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We describe a spectrometer used to evaluate curved crystals, crystals originally intended for cosmic x-ray spectroscopy on the AXAF satellite. The most important feature of the AXAF instrument was the high-resolution spectra (λ/Δλ as high as 2000) that could be obtained from astronomical objects over the λ range 1.2 to 100 Å. The crystals are formed into narrow cylindrical facets and assembled into a pseudotoroidal surface. The spectral resolution is degraded by a number of effects, which we describe. The primary effect over which we have control is the figure of each cylindrical segment. We measure deviations from the nominal cylindrical shape, which we call Δθslope using a laboratory x-ray spectrometer. We present spectrometer data for several crystal samples, evaluated at different energies. We compare these results with similar tests performed at optical wavelengths. Our results indicate that the Δθslope error can be controlled, and that curved crystals with the desired resolving power can be fabricated.
Thomas H. Markert, Claude R. Canizares, Christie S. Nelson, James M. Bauer, Bernard Peter Puc, and Bruce E. Woodgate "Evaluation of curved crystals for cosmic x-ray spectroscopy," Optical Engineering 34(5), (1 May 1995). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.183992
Published: 1 May 1995
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X-ray optics

Spectral resolution

Laser crystals


X-Ray Rocking Curve Measurements Of Bent Crystals
Proceedings of SPIE (December 21 1988)
Objective double-crystal spectrometer
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1992)
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Proceedings of SPIE (November 14 2001)

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