Chang-Myung Lee, Konstantin Bychkov, Venedict Kapitanov, Alexander Karapuzikov, Yurii Ponomarev, Igor Sherstov, Vadim Vasiliev
Optical Engineering, Vol. 46, Issue 06, 064302, (June 2007)
TOPICS: Sensors, Gas lasers, Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Hydrogen, Carbon monoxide, Absorption, Helium, Halogens, Laser marking, Protactinium
A photoacoustic (PA) leak detector on the base of a compact CO2 laser is proposed for the detection of hydrogen leaks from cooling systems of electric power generators. Leak detection is based on a trace gas marker SF6 registration, which is added to the gas carrier within the leakage area. Experimental results of SF6 impurity detection in weak gas leakage using a PA detector with a differential ring cavity flow type are sited. The threshold sensitivity of the detector is measured at ~7.5·10-10cm-1. The effect of gas-flow rate through the detector is studied. The minimum reliably detectable flow is estimated to be ~1·10-10 Pa·m3/s, which exceeds the sensitivity of commercial helium and halogen leak detectors. Description and specifications of the developed model of a portable laser leak detector, designed in accordance with experimental results, are given.