1 November 2007 Bit-saving path for progressive transmission
Jose Antonio Garcia, Rosa Rodriguez-Sanchez, Joaquin Fdez-Valdivia, Javier Martinez-Baena
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Under oscillatory behavior of the net profit of transmission over time, heavy losses may be incurred in the form of foregone opportunities in the future if the transmission system prefers to transmit low-cost bit resources at this time over conserving for the future. This oscillatory behavior over time necessitates devising a stabilizing scheme for its optimal use in the transmission. Here we examine an optimal bit-saving path over time. During an initial period, the transmission system prioritizes exhaustible bit reserves of low transmission cost at the maximum available capacity and allocates gross transmission income partly to transmission and the rest is saved and invested to increase the degree of knowledge; and in the second period, once these low-cost bit reserves are exhausted, it is necessary to switch to a source of transmission solely from returns on current degree of knowledge, which initially includes highly insignificant bit streams. For knowledge-poor transmission systems the optimal bit-saving path differs sharply from that for region-based approaches with higher share of knowledge in the transmission's initial wealth. Also, the bit-saving path is highly dependent on the low-cost bitstreams life. We give a comparison in performance of the state of the art codec in progressive transmission against an algorithm which implements the saving path. It appears that the bit saving may be used with acceptable image fidelity.
©(2007) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Jose Antonio Garcia, Rosa Rodriguez-Sanchez, Joaquin Fdez-Valdivia, and Javier Martinez-Baena "Bit-saving path for progressive transmission," Optical Engineering 46(11), 117001 (1 November 2007). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2802151
Published: 1 November 2007
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