We present the design, simulation, evaluation, and technological verification of various low-index optical demultiplexers based on arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs). When designing such optical demultiplexers, a set of input geometrical parameters must be first calculated. They are essential to create AWG layout that will be then simulated using commercial photonics tools. However, these tools do not support or support only partially such a fundamental calculation. Therefore, a new stand-alone tool called AWG-Parameters was developed, which strongly reduces the time needed for the design. From the calculated geometrical parameters, the AWG layouts were created and simulated using three commercial photonic tools: Optiwave, (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), Apollo Photonics, (Ancaster, Ontario, Canada), and R-Soft, (Pasadena, California). The designs were also technologically verified. The simulated/measured transmission characteristics were evaluated by our newly developed AWG-Analyzer tool. This tool provides calculations of AWG transmission parameters, which are also missing in commercial photonic tools. Additionally, the tool provides clear definitions of calculated transmission parameters together with their textual and graphical representations. Finally, the transmission characteristics and parameters achieved from different photonic tools were compared with each other and discussed in detail. The simulated results were also compared with the measurements. Very good agreement was achieved between theoretical (AWG-Parameters tool), simulated (commercial photonic tools), and fabricated AWG transmission parameters.