Gary L. Brown
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 22 July 2016 Paper
Keith Gendreau, Zaven Arzoumanian, Phillip Adkins, Cheryl Albert, John Anders, Andrew Aylward, Charles Baker, Erin Balsamo, William Bamford, Suyog Benegalrao, Daniel Berry, Shiraz Bhalwani, J. Kevin Black, Carl Blaurock, Ginger Bronke, Gary Brown, Jason Budinoff, Jeffrey Cantwell, Thoniel Cazeau, Philip Chen, Thomas Clement, Andrew Colangelo, Jerry Coleman, Jonathan Coopersmith, William Dehaven, John Doty, Mark Egan, Teruaki Enoto, Terry Fan, Deneen Ferro, Richard Foster, Nicholas Galassi, Luis Gallo, Chris Green, Dave Grosh, Kong Ha, Monther Hasouneh, Kristofer Heefner, Phyllis Hestnes, Lisa Hoge, Tawanda Jacobs, John Jørgensen, Michael Kaiser, James Kellogg, Steven Kenyon, Richard Koenecke, Robert Kozon, Beverly LaMarr, Mike Lambertson, Anne Larson, Steven Lentine, Jesse Lewis, Michael Lilly, Kuochia Alice Liu, Andrew Malonis, Sridhar Manthripragada, Craig Markwardt, Bryan Matonak, Isaac Mcginnis, Roger Miller, Alissa Mitchell, Jason Mitchell, Jelila Mohammed, Charles Monroe, Kristina Montt de Garcia, Peter Mulé, Louis Nagao, Son Ngo, Eric Norris, Dwight Norwood, Joseph Novotka, Takashi Okajima, Lawrence Olsen, Chimaobi Onyeachu, Henry Orosco, Jacqualine Peterson, Kristina Pevear, Karen Pham, Sue Pollard, John Pope, Daniel Powers, Charles Powers, Samuel Price, Gregory Prigozhin, Julian Ramirez, Winston Reid, Ronald Remillard, Eric Rogstad, Glenn Rosecrans, John Rowe, Jennifer Sager, Claude Sanders, Bruce Savadkin, Maxine Saylor, Alexander Schaeffer, Nancy Schweiss, Sean Semper, Peter Serlemitsos, Larry Shackelford, Yang Soong, Jonathan Struebel, Michael Vezie, Joel Villasenor, Luke Winternitz, George Wofford, Michael Wright, Mike Yang, Wayne Yu
Proceedings Volume 9905, 99051H (2016)
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Calibration, Electronics, X-rays, X-rays, X-ray detectors, Signal detection, Silicon, Analog electronics, Microcontrollers, Aerospace engineering

Proceedings Article | 23 January 2006 Paper
Jeremy Palmer, Wen-Ting Hsieh, Manuel Quijada, Brent Mott, Eddie Akpan, Gary Brown, Mindy Jacobson, Matthew Greenhouse
Proceedings Volume 6114, 61140G (2006)
KEYWORDS: Microopto electromechanical systems, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Optical filtering, Silicon, Prototyping, Coating, Dielectric mirrors, Electrodes, Feedback control, Silicon films

Proceedings Article | 12 October 2004 Paper
Richard Lyon, Jay Herman, Nader Abuhassan, Catherine Marx, Semion Kizhner, Julie Crooke, Ronald Toland, Albert Mariano, Cheryl Salerno, Gary Brown, Tony Cazeau, Peter Petrone, Billy Mamakos, Severine Tournois
Proceedings Volume 5487, (2004)
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Space telescopes, Telescopes, Mirrors, Digital signal processing, Beam splitters, Interferometers, Wavefronts, Control systems, Prototyping

Proceedings Article | 28 July 2000 Paper
Richard Barry, Shobita Satyapal, Matthew Greenhouse, Richard Barclay, Deborah Amato, Brandon Arritt, Gary Brown, Vanessa Harvey, Christopher Holt, Jonathan Kuhn, Lawrence Lesyna, Nils Fonneland, Theodore Hilgeman
Proceedings Volume 4013, (2000)
KEYWORDS: Fabry–Perot interferometers, Actuators, Cryogenics, Aluminum, Sensors, Cameras, Ferroelectric materials, Tunable filters, Space telescopes, Optical filters

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