Dr. Martin Skënderas
SPIE Involvement:
Profile Summary

Martin Skënderas is a Ph.D student at the Department of Photonics and Applied Physics (TONA) of the Faculty of Engineering (IR) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). He is part of the Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT) research group, where his main research interests include nonlinear dynamics in semiconductor lasers on InP chips and fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing. In this way he hopes to contribute in developing highly sensitive and miniaturized FBG interrogation systems for ultrasensitive biosensor applications.

Martin achieved a Bachelors and Master of Science degree in Physics in 2014 and 2016 at the University of Tirana. After that he worked for 11 months as a physicist at the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) at the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Tirana. Interested in a more experimental, yet still fundamental trajectory, he started the European Master of Science in Photonics (EMSP) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Universiteit Gent. In 2019 he achieved this Master degree Cum Laude. For his Master Thesis with title "Control of a widely-tunable ring laser based on cascaded asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Interferometers", Martin was awarded with the Best Master Thesis Award from the jury of both VUB and Ghent University. As part of his master programme Martin worked as an intern at The Institute of Photonics Sciences (ICFO) within the Optoelectronics group working on the topic: "Quantum Time-of-Flight sensing". Caught by the subject of his thesis, he started his Ph.D in 2019 at the B-PHOT, VUB in the same research project.
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