Dr. Robert E. Knowlden
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (8)

Proceedings Article | 29 March 1999 Paper
Proceedings Volume 3619, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.343704
KEYWORDS: Semiconducting wafers, Silicon, Wafer testing, Photovoltaics, Fizeau interferometers, Interferometers, Metrology, Imaging systems, Semiconductor lasers, Laser metrology

Proceedings Article | 8 December 1997 Paper
Joseph Lamb, James Semrad, James Wyant, Chiayu Ai, Robert Knowlden, Erik Novak, John Downie, Robert Wolfe
Proceedings Volume 3047, (1997) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.294328
KEYWORDS: Interferometers, Phase shifts, Imaging systems, Collimators, Optics manufacturing, Optical design, Phase shifting, Fourier transforms, Mechanical engineering, Laser sources

Proceedings Article | 1 November 1997 Paper
Chiayu Ai, Robert Knowlden, Joseph Lamb
Proceedings Volume 3134, (1997) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.295145
KEYWORDS: Wavefronts, Interferometers, Collimators, Polarization, Fizeau interferometers, Mirrors, Glasses, Birefringence, Aspheric lenses, Phase shifts

Proceedings Article | 20 November 1996 Paper
Chiayu Ai, Robert Knowlden, Joseph Lamb
Proceedings Volume 2870, (1996) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.259945
KEYWORDS: Interferometers, Phase shifting, Optical testing, National Ignition Facility, Optics manufacturing, Optical components, Diffraction, Phase shifts, Optical benches, CCD cameras

Proceedings Article | 17 July 1996 Paper
Chiayu Ai, Robert Knowlden, Joseph Lamb
Proceedings Volume 2860, (1996) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.276334
KEYWORDS: Surface finishing, Glasses, Interferometers, Wavefronts, Reflection, Zoom lenses, Optical transfer functions, Modulation transfer functions, Fizeau interferometers, Polishing

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