KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Sensors, X-rays, Solar processes, Observatories, Space operations, Magnetosphere, Bismuth, Solar radiation models, Solar radiation
The CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory are vulnerable to radiation damage from low-energy protons scattered off the telescope's mirrors onto the focal plane. Following unexpected damage incurred early in the mission, the Chandra team developed, implemented, and maintains a radiation-protection program. This program - involving scheduled radiation safing during radiation-belt passes, intervention based upon real-time space-weather conditions and radiation-environment modeling, and on-board radiation monitoring with autonomous radiation safing - has successfully managed the radiation damage to the CCDs. Since implementing the program, the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI)
has increased at an average annual rate of only 3.2×10-6 (2.3%) for the front-illuminated CCDs and 1.0×10-6 (6.7%) for the back-illuminated CCDs. This paper describes the current status of the Chandra radiation-management program, emphasizing enhancements implemented since the original paper.
The sensitivity of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)
instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) to low-energy X-rays
(0.3 - 2.0 keV) has been declining throughout the mission. The most
likely cause of this degradation is the growth of a contamination
layer on the cold (-60 C) filter which attenuates visible and near-visible light incident on the CCDs. The contamination layer is still increasing 4 years after launch, but at a significantly lower rate than initially. We have determined that the contaminant is composed mostly of C with small amounts of O and F. We have conducted ground experiments to determine the thermal desorption properties of candidate materials for the contaminant. We have conducted experiments to determine the robustness of the thin filter to the thermal cycling necessary to remove the contaminant. We have modeled the migration of the contaminant during this bake-out process to ensure that the end result will be a reduction in the thickness of the contamination layer. We have considered various profiles for the bake-out consisting of different temperatures for the ACIS focal plane and detector housing and different dwell times at these temperatures. The largest uncertainty which affects our conclusions is the volatility of the unknown contaminants. We conclude that bakeout scenarios in which the focal plane temperature and the detector housing temperature are raised to +20~C are the most likely to produce a positive outcome.
KEYWORDS: Observatories, Databases, X-rays, Space telescopes, Magnetosphere, Solar processes, Spectrometers, Charge-coupled devices, Telescopes, Data modeling
The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), launched in July of 1999,
contains two focal-plane imaging detectors and two transmission-grating spectrometers. Maintaining an optimal performance level for the observatory is the job of the Chandra X-ray Center (CXC),
located in Cambridge, MA. One very important aspect of the
observatory's performance is the science observing efficiency. The
single largest factor which reduces the observing efficiency of the
observatory is the interruption of observations due to passage through the Earth's radiation belts approximately every 2 2/3 days. During radiation belt passages, observations are suspended on average for over 15 hours and the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) is moved out of the focus of the telescope to minimize damage from low-energy (100-200 keV) protons. The CXC has been using the National Space Science Data Center's "near Earth" AE-8/AP-8 radiation belt model to predict the entry and exit from the radiation belts. However, it was discovered early in the mission that the AE-8/AP-8 model predictions were inadequate for science scheduling purposes and a 10ks "pad time" was introduced on ingress and egress of perigee to ensure protection from radiation damage. This pad time, totaling 20 ks per orbit, has recently been the
subject of much analysis to determine if it can be reduced to maximize science observing efficiency. A recent analysis evaluating a possible correlation between the Chandra Radiation Model (CRM) and the Electron Proton Helium Instrument (EPHIN) found a greatest lower bound (GLB) in lieu of a correlation for the ingress and egress of each perigee. The GLB is a limit imposed on the CRM such that when the CRM exceeds this limit on ingress, this defines the new safing time and similarly for egress. We have shown that using this method we can regain a significant amount of lost science time at the expense of minimal radiation exposure. The GLB analysis also found that different GLB's produce varied results and hint that there
could be a time dependence associated with the GLB, possibly
related to the orientation of the Observatory's orbit. Utilizing CRM
V2.3, we present the search for a seasonal dependence on the value of
the GLB; we find a seasonal effect that appears to depend on the orientation of Chandra's orbit with respect to the Earth's magnetic field.
The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), NASA's latest "Great Observatory", was launched on July 23, 1999 and reached its final orbit on August 7, 1999. The CXO is in a highly elliptical orbit, with an apogee altitude of 120,000 km and a perigee altitude 20,000 km, and has a period of approximately 63.5 hours (≈ 2.65 days). It transits the Earth's Van Allen belts once per orbit during which no science observations can be performed due to the high radiation environment. The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center currently uses the National Space Science Data Center's "near Earth" AP-8/AE-8 radiation belt model to predict the start and end times of passage through the radiation belts. Our earlier analysis (Virani et al, 2000) demonstrated that our implementation of the AP-8/AE-8 model (a simple dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field) does not always give sufficiently accurate predictions of the start and end times of transit of the Van Allen belts. This led to a change in our operating procedure whereby we "padded" the start and end times of transit as determined by the AE-8 model by 10 ks so that ACIS, the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer and the primary science instrument on-board Chandra, would not be exposed to the "fringes" of the Van Allen belts on ingress and egress for any given transit. This additional 20 ks per orbit during which Chandra is unable to perform science observations integrates to approximately 3 Ms of "lost" science time per year and therefore reduces the science observing efficiency of the Observatory. To address the need for a higher fidelity radiation model appropriate for the Chandra orbit, the Chandra Radiation Model (CRM) was developed. The CRM is an ion model for the outer magnetosphere and is based on data from the EPIC/ICS instrument on-board the Geotail satellite as well as data from the CEPPAD/IPS instrument on-board the Polar satellite. With the production and implementation of the CRM Version 2.3, we present the results of a study designed to investigate the science observing time that may be recovered by using the CRM for science mission planning purposes. In this paper, we present a scheme using the CRM such that for a modest increase in ACIS CTI, approximately 500 ks can be recovered each year for new science observations.
We discuss the flight calibration of the spectral response of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on-board the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO). The spectral resolution and sensitivity of the ACIS instrument have both been evolving over the course of the mission. The spectral resolution of the frontside-illuminated (FI) CCDs changed dramatically in the first month of the mission due to radiation damage. Since that time, the spectral resolution of the FI CCDs and the Backside-illuminated (BI) CCDs have evolved gradually with time. We demonstrate the efficacy of charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) correction algorithms which recover some of the lost performance. The detection efficiency of the ACIS instrument has been declining throughout the mission, presumably due to a layer of contamination building up on the filter and/or CCDs. We present a characterization of the energy dependence of the excess absorption and demonstrate software which models the time dependence of the absorption from energies of 0.4 keV and up. The spectral
redistribution function and the detection efficiency are well-characterized at energies from 1.5 to 8.0~keV primarily due to the existence of strong lines in the ACIS calibration source in that energy range. The calibration at energies below 1.5 keV is challenging because of the lack of strong lines in the
calibration source and also because of the inherent non-linear
dependence with energy of the CTI and the absorption by the contamination layer. We have been using data from celestial sources with relatively simple spectra to determine the quality of the calibration below 1.5 keV. We have used observations of 1E0102.2-7219
(the brightest supernova remnant in the SMC), PKS2155-304 (a bright blazar), and the pulsar PSR~0656+14 (nearby pulsar with a soft spectrum), since the spectra of these objects have been well-characterized by the gratings on the CXO. The analysis of these observations demonstrate that the CTI correction recovers a significant fraction of the spectral resolution of the FI CCDs and the models of the time-dependent absorption result in consistent measurements of the flux at low energies for data from a BI (S3) CCD.
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, X-rays, Solar radiation models, Observatories, Magnetosphere, Back illuminated sensors, Solar processes, Spectroscopy, Space telescopes, Solar radiation
The CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory are sensitive to radiation damage, particularly from low-energy protons scattering off the telescope's mirrors onto the focal plane. In its highly elliptical orbit, Chandra passes through a spatially and temporally varying radiation environment, ranging from the radiation belts to the solar wind. Translating the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) out of the focal position during radiation-belt passages has prevented loss of scientific utility. However, carefully managing the radiation damage during the remainder of the orbit, without unnecessarily sacrificing observing time, is essential to optimizing the scientific value of this exceptional observatory throughout its planned 10-year mission. In working toward this optimization, the Chandra team developed and applied a radiation-management strategy. This strategy includes autonomous instrument safing triggered by the on-board radiation monitor, as well as monitoring, alerts, and intervention based upon real-time space environment data from NOAA and NASA spacecraft. Furthermore, because Chandra often spends much of its orbit out of the solar wind (in the Earth's outer magnetosphere and magnetosheath), the team developed the Chandra Radiation Model to describe the complete low-energy-proton environment. Management of the radiation damage has thus far succeeded in limiting degradation of the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) to less than 3.5(10-6) and 1.3(10-6) per year for the front-illuminated and back-illuminated CCDs, respectively. This rate of degradation is acceptable for maintaining the scientific viability of all ACIS CCDs for more than ten years.
KEYWORDS: Safety, Observatories, Space operations, X-rays, Charge-coupled devices, Data communications, Sensors, Spectroscopy, Actuators, Analog electronics
The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), NASA's latest "Great Observatory", was launched on July 23, 1999 and reached its final orbit on August 7, 1999. The CXO is in a highly elliptical orbit, approximately 140,000 km × 10,000 km, and has a period of approximately 63.5 hours (≈2.65 days). Communication with the CXO nominally consists of 1-hour contacts spaced 8-hours apart. Thus, once a communication link has been established, it is very important that the health and safety status of the scientific instruments as well as the Observatory itself be determined as quickly as possible.
In this paper, we focus exclusively on the automated health and safety monitoring scripts developed for the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) during those 1-hour contacts. ACIS is one of the two focal plane instruments on-board the CXO. We present an overview of the real-time ACIS Engineering Data Web Page and the alert schemes developed for monitoring the instrument status during each communication contact. A suite of HTML and PERL scripts monitors the instrument hardware house-keeping electronics (i.e., voltages and currents) and temperatures during each contact. If a particular instrument component is performing either above or below pre- established operating parameters, a sequence of email and alert pages are spawned to the Science Operations Team of the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center so that the anomaly can be quickly investigated and corrective actions taken if necessary. We also briefly discuss the tools used to monitor the real-time science telemetry reported by the ACIS flight software.
The authors acknowledge support for this research from NASA contract NAS8-39073.
The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), launched in July of 1999, contains two focal-plane imaging detectors and two gratings spectrometers. Keeping these instruments operating at an optimal performance level is the responsibility of the Chandra X-ray Center, located in Cambridge, MA. Each week a new set of command loads is generated to be uploaded to the spacecraft for use in the following week. The command loads contain all of the necessary instructions for the observatory to execute a week's worth of science observations and spacecraft maintenance activities. Ensuring that these loads do not compromise the performance of the observatory or its health and safety in any way is a complex procedure. It requires a coordinated review and subsequent approval of the loads from a team of scientists and engineers representing each instrument on the spacecraft. Reviewing the command loads can be quite a daunting task; but with the help of automated scripts and command load interpretation into "human-readable" form, we have been able to streamline the command load review process as well as improve our ability to identify errors in commanding. We present here a detailed review of those scripts utilized in the inspection of command loads for the ACIS instrument.
This work was supported by NASA contract NAS8-39073.
This paper describes the development of CRMFLX, an ion model for the outer magnetosphere developed for scheduling periods when the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) instrument onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory can be safely moved into the focal plane position required for science observations. Because exposure to protons with energies of approximately 100 keV to 200 keV has been shown to produce an increase in the charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) of the ACIS instrument, a tool for predicting encounters with magnetospheric regions rich in these particles is required. The model is based on data from the EPIC/ICS instrument onboard the Geotail satellite and provides the user with flux values for 100 kev to 200 keV protons as a function of satellite position and the geomagnetic activity Kp index.
Stephen O'Dell, Mark Bautz, William Blackwell, Yousaf Butt, Robert Cameron, Ronald Elsner, M. Gussenhoven, Jeffery Kolodziejczak, Joseph Minow, Robert Suggs, Douglas Swartz, Allyn Tennant, Shanil Virani, Kevin Warren
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, X-rays, Observatories, Solar radiation models, Space operations, Ions, Back illuminated sensors, Space telescopes, Mirrors, Nanoimprint lithography
The Chandra X-ray Observatory, the x-ray component of NASA's Great Observatories, provides unprecedented subarcsecond imaging, imaging spectrometry, and high-resolution dispersive spectroscopy of cosmic x-ray sources. During the initial phase of operation, some of the focal-plane charge-coupled devices (CCDs) -- namely, the front-illuminated devices -- experienced an unanticipated increase in charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI). Investigation of this anomaly determined the root cause to be radiation damage by weakly penetrating protons, entering the telescope's aperture and scattered off the mirrors into the focal plane. Subsequent changes in operating procedures have slowed the rate of increase of the CTI of the front- illuminated CCDs to acceptable levels. There has been no measurable degradation of the back-illuminated CCDs.
The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) was launched on July 23, 1999 and reached its final orbit on August 7, 1999. The CXO is in a highly elliptical orbit, approximately 140,000 km X 10,000 km, and has a period of approximately 63.5 hours (approximately equals 2.65 days). It transits the Earth's Van Allen belts once per orbit during which no science observations can be performed due to the high radiation environment. The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center currently uses the National Space Science Data Center's `near Earth' AP-8/AE-8 radiation belt model to predict the start and end times of passage through the radiation belts. However, our scheduling software uses only a simple dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field. The resulting B, L magnetic coordinates, do not always give sufficiently accurate predictions of the start and end times of transit of the Van Allen belts. We show this by comparing to the data from Chandra's on-board radiation monitor, the EPHIN (Electron, Proton, Helium Instrument particle detector) instrument. We present evidence that demonstrates this mis-timing of the outer electron radiation belt as well as data that also demonstrate the significant variability of one radiation belt transit to the next as experienced by the CXO. We also present an explanation for why the dipole implementation of the AP-8/AE-8 model is not ideally suited for the CXO. Lastly, we provide a brief discussion of our on-going efforts to identify a model that accounts for radiation belt variability, geometry, and one that can be used for observation scheduling purposes.
We have analyzed data acquired during the Orbital Activation and Checkout (OAC) and Guest Observer (GO) phases of the Chandra X-ray Observatory mission in order to characterize the background of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) instrument produced by energetic particles. The ACIS instrument contains 8 Front-Illuminated (FI) CCDs and 2 Back-Illuminated (BI) CCDs. The FI and BI CCDs exhibit dramatically different responses to enhancements in the particle flux. The FI CCDs show relatively little increase in the overall count rate, typical increases are 1 - 5 cts s-1 above the quiescent level; the BI CCDs can show large excursions to a s high as 100 cts s-1 above the quiescent level. The durations of these intervals of enhanced background are also highly variable ranging from 500 s to 104 s. These periods of enhanced background are sometimes but not always associated with increased particle flux when Chandra is near the radiation belts. We see evidence for a weak correlation with the low-energy electron channel of the Electron, Proton, Helium Instrument particle detector instrument on-board Chandra. We present some of the most extreme examples of these background enhancements identified to this point in the mission.
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