Poster + Paper
22 November 2024 Research of the effect of the room's illumination conditions on the facial detection and recognition algorithms
A. B. Mudrich, K. V. Ezhova, Y. V. Terlo
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Conference Poster
On the stage of the design of any video surveillance system, important parameters are the technical characteristics of the equipment and the conditions of its placement. The focus of this research is to investigate the effect of the illumination conditions and camera position on the quality of face detection and recognition algorithms for biometrical video surveillance system with facial recognition function.

DIALux software was used for modelling the room with camera and simulate illumination conditions in different zones. For the analysis, the YOLOv8 neural network architecture, widely used for detection, trained on several datasets and standard recognition models from the DeepFace library, were used. Other parameter that became the subject of this research was the camera position (front and tilted), which also has a significant impact on the face detection and recognition algorithms results. As a rule, recognition libraries have strict requirements for the maximum values of the distance from camera to the recognition object, the maximum angle of the camera and its position relative to the visitor's face. Without knowledge of these limitations, it is impossible to design a video surveillance system with object recognition function.

The research results demonstrates that the level of illumination significantly affects the quality of the algorithms. There are also maximum permissible camera angles at which it becomes impossible to detect and recognize faces. The first step in designing a facial recognition system should be to study the conditions of its placement (illumination conditions) and the characteristics of the equipment (camera resolution, focal length, angle of view).
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. B. Mudrich, K. V. Ezhova, and Y. V. Terlo "Research of the effect of the room's illumination conditions on the facial detection and recognition algorithms", Proc. SPIE 13239, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology XI, 132390V (22 November 2024);
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Light sources and illumination

Facial recognition systems

Detection and tracking algorithms

Video surveillance

Imaging systems

Object recognition


Multicamera wide-field-of-view compound eye imaging system
Proceedings of SPIE (November 22 2024)
Video and image quality
Proceedings of SPIE (September 01 1995)
Video surveillance using JPEG 2000
Proceedings of SPIE (November 02 2004)

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