27 December 1996 Performance of 10.6 um CO2 Doppler lidar at low-laser-frequency stability using a fixed hard target
Vladimir S. Marinov, Dimitar V. Stoyanov, Vassily Nikolaevit Naboko, Sergei V. Naboko
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Proceedings Volume 3052, Ninth International School on Quantum Electronics: Lasers--Physics and Applications; (1996)
Event: Ninth International School on Quantum Electronics: Lasers: Physics and Applications, 1996, Varna, Bulgaria
Performance of CO2 doppler lidar for fixed hard target at low laser frequency stability is presented using the novel wide-band doppler detection technique described before. The approximate maximum likelihood estimator is used. The velocity estimation error is experimentally determined at various SNRs and is compared to the Cramer-Rao Bound. Our results show a deviation of the unbiased velocity error from the CRB less then the width of the confidence interval for the error. The biasing of the estimator at low SNRs is studied experimentally for non-ideal equipment performance; we propose the Gaussian model of the distribution of so called 'bad' estimates are more appropriate for experimental data, instead of the uniform one recommended.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vladimir S. Marinov, Dimitar V. Stoyanov, Vassily Nikolaevit Naboko, and Sergei V. Naboko "Performance of 10.6 um CO2 Doppler lidar at low-laser-frequency stability using a fixed hard target", Proc. SPIE 3052, Ninth International School on Quantum Electronics: Lasers--Physics and Applications, (27 December 1996);
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Signal to noise ratio

Doppler effect


Error analysis

Carbon dioxide lasers

Carbon dioxide

Data modeling


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