4 November 1982 Performance Of The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) II. Mechanical Properties Of The MMT
W. Davison, B. L. Ulich
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There are several innovative and unusual features incorporated into the MMT alt-azimuth mount and optical support structure (OSS). Recent work has, and still is being done, to assess and optimize these features. Measurements and analysis of the azimuth drive system have allowed us to increase the azimuth resonant frequency from 2.2 Hz to 3.0 Hz by just repositioning one motor. By adding two additional drives we can increase the frequency again to about 4.1. Friction in the azimuth ball bearing and drives were measured and the data is very surprising. The intricate truss structure of the OSS has several variable area members (tuning members) that can be adjusted to partially compensate for gravitational flexure. The adjustment of these useful members has revealed a flaw of conservatism in the structural model. These adjustments coupled with thermal radiation shielding have allowed the six telescopes to be aligned passively to 20 arc seconds. Although details will vary, the knowledge of the success and limitations of these unusual features might prove very useful to advanced technology optical telescope designers and builders.
© (1982) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
W. Davison and B. L. Ulich "Performance Of The Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) II. Mechanical Properties Of The MMT", Proc. SPIE 0332, Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes I, (4 November 1982);
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