Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) is a very well documented application of Slide Based Cytometry (SBC). As for any other assay it is of highest importance to ensure that all cells which are relevant for an analysis are recognized. Unlike assays for cultured cells which have homogenous morphology immunophenotyping of PBLs is performed on cells with heterogeneous size and shape. Therefore, triggering on parameters related to cell morphology might lead to an incomplete analysis of just a subset of cells especially in pathological conditions. Several dyes stain DNA specifically in a wide variety of emission spectra. Many of them show some influence of the chromatin condensation and organization on the staining intensity. DNA dyes therefore can be used to differentiate between cell types having the same ploidy. This can be exploited for immunophenotyping since some dyes therefore can partially replace antibody staining. The concept of using DNA dyes in the setting of immunostaining has the following advantages: (1) nuclear staining provides a stable and easy triggering signal that guarantees both, that neither cells are excluded nor that debris or polluting particles are included into the analysis; (2) some DNA dyes differentiate between mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells. A disadvantage of DNA dyes is that mostly cells have to be permeabilized. Because of this only one set of immunophenotypic markers can be stained, cells are fixed and permeabilized, and then nuclei are stained with the appropriate DNA dye. In the study we demonstrate the use of the most commonly available DNA dyes (7-AAD, To-Pro, To-To, PI etc.) in their applicability in immunophenotyping. An overview of spectral properties, fluorescence spill-over and optimal combinations with surface antigen staining will be shown. As in general for SBC only very small sample volumes are needed. This allows to serially analyze PBL in clinical settings that up to now could not be studied in detail such as in the critical ill patient, during major surgery, and in new-borns and infants.