2 May 2003 Impact of local vessel curvature on the circumferential plaque distribution in coronary arteries
Andreas Wahle, Ruben Medina, Kathleen C. Braddy, James M. Fox, Theresa M. H. Brennan, John J. Lopez, James D. Rossen, Milan Sonka
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Plaque in native coronary arteries is hypothesized to accumulate more likely along the inner curvature of a vessel segment as compared to its outer curvature. This behavior is likely associated with differences in local shear stress, which tends to be lower on the inner bend of a curved vessel than on the outer bend. The reported in-vivo study evaluated how the circumferential plaque distribution depends on local vessel curvature in coronaries from a limited set of 12 patients. Geometrically correct models of the vessel segments were generated utilizing fusion between biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound. The plaque thickness was derived from the 3-D borders of the lumen/plaque and media/adventitia interfaces. Within each frame, plaque thickness was classified into "below-average" and "above-average" regions. A local curvature index was defined for each point: A positive value indicates the "inner" curvature, a negative value the "outer" curvature, with the magnitude determined from differential geometry. In the majority of the examined vessels, regions of "below-average/outer-curvature" and "above-average/inner-curvature" combined outweighed the "below-average/inner-curvature" and "above-average/outer-curvature" regions. The ratio increased with the threshold to exclude lower-curvature regions, confirming the hypothesis that plaque is more likely to accumulate on the luminal surface along the inner curvature of the coronary segment.
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Andreas Wahle, Ruben Medina, Kathleen C. Braddy, James M. Fox, Theresa M. H. Brennan, John J. Lopez, James D. Rossen, and Milan Sonka "Impact of local vessel curvature on the circumferential plaque distribution in coronary arteries", Proc. SPIE 5031, Medical Imaging 2003: Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and Applications, (2 May 2003); Logo
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Intravascular ultrasound



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