29 August 2005 SNR estimation for advanced hyperspectral space instrument
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EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) is one of the selected proposals for the national German Space Program. The EnMap project includes the technological design of the Hyperspectral Spaceborne Instrument and the algorithms development of the classification. EnMap will be developed to meet the requirements of the observation and investigation of ecosystem parameters for forestry, soil/geological environments and coastal zones/inland waters. It provides high-quality calibrated data and data products to be used as inputs for improved modelling and understanding of biospheric/geospheric processes, high-spectral resolution observations of biophysical, biochemical, and geochemical variables. This contribution describes some technological and theoretical aspects of the technical solution of the Hyperspectral Pushbroom Sensor working in the VNIR and SWIR spectral range. The Hyperspectral Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer requires at least two different 2−dimensional detector array types, with one dimension for the spatial and the second dimension for the image information. The VNIR quantum detector will be sensitive from 420 nm up to 1030 nm and the SWIR detector from 950 nm up to 2450 nm. The VNIR modelling shows the difficulties of the SNR of the blue channels. Some measures will be discussed to improve this situation. The discussion will be lead to the requirements of the CCD, focal plane and to the data acquisition scenarios. The SWIR stability modelling gives an overview of the requirements to the detector and of some problems of the detector related system design.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andreas Eckardt, Stefan Hofer, Christian Neumann, and Wolfgang Skrbek "SNR estimation for advanced hyperspectral space instrument", Proc. SPIE 5883, Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing 2005, 588303 (29 August 2005); Logo
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Signal to noise ratio


Short wave infrared radiation


Charge-coupled devices

Quantum efficiency

Aerospace engineering

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