14 September 2006 MR PRISM: a spectral analysis tool for the PRISM
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We describe a computer application designed to analyze hyperspectral data collected by the Compact Infrared Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). The application links the spectral, imaging and mapping perspectives on the eventual CRISM dataset by presenting the user with three different ways to analyze the data. One of the goals when developing this instrument is to build in the latest algorithms for detection of spectrally compelling targets on the surface of the Red Planet, so they may be available to the Planetary Science community without cost and with a minimal learning barrier to cross. This will allow the Astrobiology community to look for targets of interest such as hydrothermal minerals, sulfate minerals and hydrous minerals and be able to map the extent of these minerals using the most up-to-date and effective algorithms. The application is programmed in Java and will be made available for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Users will be able to embed Groovy scripts into the program in order to extend its functionality. The first collection of CRISM data will occur in September of 2006 and this data will be made publicly available six months later via the Planetary Datasystem (PDS). Potential users in the community should therefore look forward to a release date mid-2007. Although exploration of the CRISM data set is the motivating force for developing these software tools, the ease of writing additional Groovy scripts to access other data sets makes the tools useful for mineral exploration, crop management, and characterization of extreme environments here on Earth or other terrestrial planets. The system can be easily implemented for use by high school, college, and graduate level students.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Adrian J. Brown and Michael Storrie-Lombardi "MR PRISM: a spectral analysis tool for the PRISM", Proc. SPIE 6309, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IX, 63090V (14 September 2006); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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