3 October 2011 Investigation of manufacturing processes by numerical sensitivity analysis
Olivier Vasseur, Michel Cathelinaud
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During the manufacturing of optical coatings, errors in refractive index values or in thickness values of each layer of the coating can induce dramatic consequences on the desired optical properties. Global numerical sensitivity analyses using space filling designs and metamodels were applied in the case of the influence study of different errors on optical filter characteristics to determine the most critical interactions of layers. We propose to use space filling designs to assess, by computer experiments, the sensitivity of optical filters to the simultaneous errors in the refractive index values and thickness values. In this study, the principal characteristics of space filling designs are presented and are compared to random designs. This comparison allows us to identify the best types of space filling designs to conduct sensitivity analysis with few computer runs. We will present the first results concerning the global sensitivity analysis of different coatings in the case of simultaneous errors in refractive index values and in thickness values. We consider for this study two monitoring techniques: a quartz monitoring and an optical monitoring. By this way, we will highlight the influence of correlated errors on the most critical interactions classification and give a different perspective to these monitoring techniques. In conclusion, this computational study gives clues to the understanding of error propagation in manufacturing processes and points out the most critical interactions in coatings to improve the robustness of optical coatings and to reduce the production costs.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Olivier Vasseur and Michel Cathelinaud "Investigation of manufacturing processes by numerical sensitivity analysis", Proc. SPIE 8168, Advances in Optical Thin Films IV, 81680A (3 October 2011); Logo
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Refractive index

Bandpass filters


Optical filters


Error analysis

Optics manufacturing

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