15 October 2015 Optical system design for lens with large relative aperture
Kaisheng Zhang, Zhi Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang, Zefeng Wang, Aqi Yan, Jiaqi Fei, Chao Mei, Gaopeng Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 9676, AOPC 2015: Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies; 967615 (2015)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2015), 2015, Beijing, China
As the space remote sensing technology progresses, the developing trend of telescope is larger and larger aperture, higher and higher resolution. An Optical system with the relative aperture of 1:2 is introduced. The primary optical properties are: focal length of 120mm, F number of 2, field angle of 7.4°. It has the advantages of large high resolution, small size and excellent image quality. Several kinds of aberration curves and the MTF curve are given. Its imaging quality is nearly diffraction limited so that the spatial frequency is greater than 70lp/mm when its modulated transfer function (MTF) value of the optical system is equal to 0.8,and the optical system distortion is less than 1%. At last, the stray light is analyzed and the baffle of the telescope is designed. The solid model of the Optical system was constructed in Tracepro software, the point sources transmittance (PST) cure was given at different off-axis angle between 7.4°~80°,the analysis result indicates that the PST values are less than 10-6 when off-axis angle are larger than soar critical angle. So the system is suitable for observation or photography of deep sky objects.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kaisheng Zhang, Zhi Zhang, Zhaohui Zhang, Zefeng Wang, Aqi Yan, Jiaqi Fei, Chao Mei, and Gaopeng Zhang "Optical system design for lens with large relative aperture", Proc. SPIE 9676, AOPC 2015: Optical Design and Manufacturing Technologies, 967615 (15 October 2015);
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Optical design

Modulation transfer functions

Stray light


Optical properties


Space telescopes

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