The content for this Field Guide to Colorimetry and Fundamental Color Modeling came from the last class that Professor David MacAdam taught on colorimetry at the University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics (1988) and the many wonderful, more recent, graduate classes at Rochester Institute of Technology’s program of Color Science at the Munsell Color Science Laboratory. The material is a conglomeration of several excellent courses: Color Measurement, Advanced Colorimetry, Color Modeling, Color Appearance, and the laboratories associated with each. It was impossible to cover all topics to their full extent.
I would like to give special acknowledgment to Dr. Jim Schwiegerling at the University of Arizona's College of Optical Sciences for referring me to the powers that be at SPIE (series editor Dr. John Greivencamp). Thanks for suggesting that I should be the one to write a Field Guide about color. It was truly a joy to be involved.
I am also grateful to have had Dr. Roy S. Berns as my Ph.D. advisor in color science. His past advice for writing succinctly was of great value for this endeavor. He is not only a great color scientist and advisor, but also a sincere confidant and friend.
This Field Guide is dedicated to my mom and dad, Bonnie and Joseph Traylor; my husband, Dr. Brian Kruschwitz; and my children, Adam and Helen. They cheer me up when I am blue, and always keep life colorful.