6 July 2018 A comparison of SOFA and NOVAS astrometric software libraries
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The preferred programming languages and operating systems used in writing and running astrometric software have changed over time. The Python language is now well supported by the scientific community which provides open-source standard libraries for astronomical calculation including Astropy,1 SciPy2 and NumPy.3 We surveyed available open source astrometric libraries and compare ICRS coordinate to observation transforms using recent releases of C source code and Python wrappers from the IAU Standard of Fundamental Astronomy4 (SOFA), against those using the US Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Software5 (NOVAS). The selection of an underlying operating system with long term support is also an important aspect of maintaining a working telescope control system. The installation and operation of the libraries under both Linux Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Support) and Windows 10 are explored.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Andrzej S. Piascik, Christopher M. Copperwheat, Marco C. Lam, Apichat Leckngam, Apirat Prasit, Pakawat Prasit, Robert J. Smith, and Iain A. Steele "A comparison of SOFA and NOVAS astrometric software libraries", Proc. SPIE 10707, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V, 107071Z (6 July 2018);
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Transform theory

Atmospheric corrections


Operating systems


Computer programming


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