23 January 2003 Antimonide-based materials for infrared detection
Philip Klipstein, Eli Jacobsohn, Olga Klin, Michael Yassen, Zipora Calahorra, Eliezer Weiss, Salomon Risemberg, David Rosenfeld
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We propose that the antimonide family of semiconductors should be considered in some cases as a serious alternative to Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) for the active region of next generation IR detectors, based on epitaxial materials. Among the alloys, epitaxial InAs1-ySby on GaSb with 0.07 < y < 0.11 and In1-zAlzSb on InSb with 0 < z < 0.03 together span important regions of the MWIR atmospheric window, yet exhibit strains of less than 0.15%. Both InSb and GaSb are binary substrates available in high quality. The sensitivity of bandgap to composition in In1-zAlzSb is similar to that in MCT. However, in InAs1-ySby this sensitivity is more than halved. In growth from the gas phase, the constraints on temperature stability are about 3 - 5 times lower than in MCT. Together, these characteristics make it easier to achieve high uniformity, particularly in InAs1-ySby. Finally, high quality superlattices based on InAs/Ga1-xInxSb can be grown by lattice matching to GaSb. This epitaxial material is emerging as an attractive alternative to MCT with a high degree of spatial uniformity and with an ability to span cut-off wavelengths from 3-20m in a single material system.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Philip Klipstein, Eli Jacobsohn, Olga Klin, Michael Yassen, Zipora Calahorra, Eliezer Weiss, Salomon Risemberg, and David Rosenfeld "Antimonide-based materials for infrared detection", Proc. SPIE 4820, Infrared Technology and Applications XXVIII, (23 January 2003); Logo
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