Dr. Lin Li
at Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (5)

Proceedings Article | 5 July 2024 Paper
Wei Liang, Ting Sun, Fei Xing, Xinran Dong, Heng Xiao, Lin Li
Proceedings Volume 13184, 1318416 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3032838
KEYWORDS: Optical flow, Convolution, Field programmable gate arrays, Image processing, Visualization

Proceedings Article | 7 March 2024 Paper
Mingce Chen, Li Wang, Loulou Deng, Zihan Wang, Zhijun Tu, Lin Li, Yan Xiong, Yu Zhao, Qing Xu
Proceedings Volume 13084, 1308402 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2691159
KEYWORDS: Tunable filters, Optical filters, Liquid crystals, Spectral resolution

Proceedings Article | 27 November 2023 Paper
Lu Wang, Wei Li, Lin Li, Shaogang Guo, Ran Zheng, Li Wang
Proceedings Volume 12761, 127610K (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2687161
KEYWORDS: Signal generators, Microwave photonics, Signal processing, Tunable filters, Silicon, Pulse signals, Temperature metrology

Proceedings Article | 24 November 2023 Paper
Mingce Chen, Hengkang Zhang, Sichang Yan, Li Wang, Loulou Deng, Lin Li, Zihan Wang
Proceedings Volume 12935, 129350S (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3004162
KEYWORDS: Liquid crystals, Optical alignment, Refractive index, Birefringence, Optical properties

Proceedings Article | 21 December 2022 Poster + Paper
Proceedings Volume 12315, 1231518 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2642215
KEYWORDS: Stars, Optical flow, Signal to noise ratio, Image filtering, Image processing, Star sensors, Detection and tracking algorithms

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