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With the establishment of Maxwell's equation electromagnetic wave theory, the wave nature of light began to dominate the mainstream consciousness; However, in the late 19th century, a series of experimental phenomena represented by the photoelectric effect could not be accurately explained by the wave theory of light. In 1905, Einstein proposed the concept of light quanta and successfully explained the photoelectric effect. While perfectly explaining these issues, a new question arises: what is the essence of light, given that both particle and wave properties can accurately reflect certain properties of light? It has always been the most fiercely debated issue in the history of optics. Einstein said that we are not yet clear about what light quanta are, and wave particle duality cannot fully explain optical phenomena.
Based on the study of Albert Einstein's concept of quanta light, wave particle duality of light, string theory, and optical frequency combs, the author proposes the concept of lightstring, attempting to propose new ideas for studying the essence of light and its generation mechanism.
Siwen Bi has been researching quantum remote sensing since March 2000 and quantum spectral imaging since June 2003, but has encountered some difficulties and problems. What is the basic theory of passive imaging in quantum remote sensing? How is technology implemented? What is the fundamental theory of quantum spectroscopy? The Implementation Technology of Quantum Optical Field Entangled States in Long Distance Quantum Detection Process? These difficulties and questions prompt the author of this article to contemplate and study the essence of light? What is the fundamental theory of the future technology of quantum optics?
Siwen Bi conducted exploratory research on the nature of light in 2006. This article first provides an overview of the development history and research status of optics and describes the difficulties and shortcomings in fully explaining optical phenomena due to the wave particle duality of light quantum and light; Then, two inspiring viewpoints on optical frequency comb and chord theory were introduced. On this basis, the basic concept of optical string (optical frequency string), the prototype description of optical string, the mechanism of optical string generation, and the discussion of Lightstring, generation process are proposed and emphasized; Proposed the mechanism of string light effect. Published On Two Heuristic Viewpoints Concerning the Study of Light (October 13-15, 2014), New Viewpoints In Light Quantum Research: Lightstring (2016), Discuss wave-particle duality of light, (February 28, 2017), and an Exploratory research on the light quantum future technical basis (February 1, 2019). Over the past 17 years, achieved some original and innovative research results. some original innovative research achievements have been achieved. Received high praise from international scholars and professors, such as the American Journal of Physics and Applications, which sent me a congratulatory letter saying, "Dear Bi Siwen, Warmest greeting from the Editorial Department! It is reported that at the International conference on photo and optical Engineering (ICPOE 2014), a paper entitled" Two Enlightening Views on Optical Research "was published, and the theme of the paper impressed us deeply. It has attracted the attention of Photon researchers and Scholars ...Your research is highly appreciated by us … " And invite Professor Bi Siwen as a paper reviewer for the American Journal of Physics and Applications. I have received the paper review certificate, dated May 25th, 2018.
Based on the above research, Siwen Bi elaborated on the geometric and kinematic characteristics of Lightstring, and proposed the essence of light based on the concept of Lightstring, in order to concretize the concept of light quanta. On this basis, the mechanism of string light effect based on the concept of optical string is proposed. An attempt has been made to further study the quantum and wave particle duality of light, gain a profound understanding of the nature of light, and answer the question "What is light?" by proposing a new approach and method for studying the nature of light and its generation mechanism. Proposed a study on optical quantum; The wave particle duality of light; New ideas, methods, and perspectives on the mechanism of light generation.
Quantum remote sensing prototype is based on the theory of quantum optics, which takes manipulation, preparation and control in quantum optical field as the experimental method. Through the experiment, the results obtained are the coherent light detection imaging resolution 2-3 times. Based on a large number of experimental studies, we completed the key technology of quantum remote sensing principle prototype, scheme design and principle prototype system. Through the test, the technical indicators of the principle prototype meet the requirements, which provide technical foundation for quantum remote sensing engineering principle prototype.
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