Dr. Stephanie A. Pierce
Sr Science Writer at Univ of Colorado Denver
SPIE Involvement:
Area of Expertise:
femtosecond laser frequency combs , Physics , Labview, Matlab and Python programming , Super-resolution microscopy , STED microscopy , Biophysics
Profile Summary

Stephanie Pierce is a senior research associate at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Department of Bioengineering in the research group of Dr. Emily Gibson working on super-resolution STimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscopy with applications in Neuroscience. She received her BS and BA degrees in physics and mathematics from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2003 and her PhD in physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2011. Her PhD thesis "A Frequency-stabilized, Diode-pumped Yb:KYW Optical Frequency Comb for Metrology" was advised by Dr. Scott Diddams at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.
Publications (3)

SPIE Journal Paper | 12 June 2024 Open Access
Stephanie A. Pierce, Jordan Jacobelli, Katherine S. Given, Wendy B. Macklin, Juliet T. Gopinath, Mark E. Siemens, Diego Restrepo, Emily A. Gibson
NPh, Vol. 11, Issue 03, 034311, (June 2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.NPh.11.3.034311
KEYWORDS: Stimulated emission depletion microscopy, Biological samples, Photobleaching, Field programmable gate arrays, Photons, Fluorescence, Microscopes, Biological imaging, Control systems, Dynamical systems

SPIE Journal Paper | 28 June 2016 Open Access
Stephanie Meyer, Baris Ozbay, Mariana Potcoava, Ernesto Salcedo, Diego Restrepo, Emily Gibson
JBO, Vol. 21, Issue 06, 066017, (June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JBO.21.6.066017
KEYWORDS: Stimulated emission depletion microscopy, Microscopes, Proteins, Sensors, Neurons, Confocal microscopy, Super resolution, Luminescence, Calcium, Microscopy

Proceedings Article | 4 March 2014 Paper
Proceedings Volume 8950, 89500W (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2041784
KEYWORDS: Stimulated emission depletion microscopy, Microscopes, Confocal microscopy, Sensors, Proteins, Microscopy, Neurons, Super resolution, Imaging systems, Beam splitters

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