Dr. Vivek Bakshi
President at EUV Litho Inc
SPIE Involvement:
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS | Editorial Board Member: Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology | Author | Editor | Instructor
Area of Expertise:
EUV Lithography , Lithography , Semiconductor Manufacturing , Plasma Machines , Plasma Diagnostics
Profile Summary

Dr. Vivek Bakshi is the president of EUV Litho, Inc., an organization that he formed to promote EUV Lithography via consulting, workshops and education courses. He is a consultant in the area of EUV Lithography and lithography in general. He provides consulting services to investors, funding agencies, universities, national labs and suppliers. He also organizes International Workshop on EUV Lithography, EUV and Soft X-ray Sources and teaches EUV Lithography short courses around the world.

Previously, he was a senior member of the technical staff in SEMATECH’s Lithography Division. Dr. Bakshi has authored/co-authored over 125 technical publications, including book chapters, articles in the peer-reviewed journals, technical reports and trade publications. He has edited two books on EUV Lithography: EUV Sources for Lithography (SPIE Press, 2006) and EUV Lithography (SPIE Press, 2008). He is currently Associate Editor of JM3 (SPIE Journal of Micro/Nano Lithography, MEMS and MOEMS) and Blogger at SST (http://www.electroiq.com/blogs/euvl-focus.html).
Publications (15)

SPIE Journal Paper | 29 January 2025 Open Access
JM3, Vol. 24, Issue 01, 011001, (January 2025) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JMM.24.1.011001
KEYWORDS: Lithography, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Photomasks, Scanners, Extreme ultraviolet, SRAF, Resolution enhancement technologies, Inspection, Imaging systems, Airborne remote sensing

SPIE Press Book | 25 September 2023
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Plasmas, Tin, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Gas lasers, Ions, Light sources, Metrology, Lithography, Pulsed laser operation

SPIE Press Book | 8 February 2018
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Photomasks, Mirrors, Reflectivity, Tin, Plasma, Lithography, Semiconducting wafers, Multilayers

SPIE Journal Paper | 27 December 2017 Open Access
JM3, Vol. 16, Issue 04, 041001, (December 2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JMM.16.4.041001
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Photomasks, Extreme ultraviolet, Optical lithography, Pellicles, Inspection, Optical proximity correction, Free electron lasers, Printing, Scanners

SPIE Journal Paper | 13 June 2012 Open Access
JM3, Vol. 11, Issue 02, 021101, (June 2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JMM.11.2.021101
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Lithography, Metrology, Optical lithography, Semiconductor manufacturing, Laser applications, Laser metrology, High volume manufacturing, Integrated circuits

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 October 2007
Valeryi Sizyuk, Ahmed Hassanein, Vivek Bakshi
JM3, Vol. 6, Issue 04, 043003, (October 2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2804128
KEYWORDS: Ions, Particles, Extreme ultraviolet, Magnetism, Monte Carlo methods, Systems modeling, Plasma, Tin, Argon, Extreme ultraviolet lithography

Proceedings Article | 3 May 2007 Paper
Vivek Bakshi, Rainer Lebert, Bernhard Jägle, Christian Wies, Uwe Stamm, Juergen Kleinschmidt, Guido Schriever, Christian Ziener, Marc Corthout, Joseph Pankert, Klaus Bergmann, Willi Neff, André Egbert, Deborah Gustafson
Proceedings Volume 6533, 653315 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.737183
KEYWORDS: Extreme ultraviolet, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Xenon, Plasma, Tin, Electrodes, Photomasks, Scanners, Lithography, Mirrors

Proceedings Article | 15 March 2007 Paper
J. Allain, M. Nieto, M. Hendricks, A. Hassanein, C. Tarrio, S. Grantham, V. Bakshi
Proceedings Volume 6517, 65171V (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.711270
KEYWORDS: Tin, Mirrors, Extreme ultraviolet, Reflectivity, Palladium, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Ions, Ruthenium, Particles, Chemical species

SPIE Press Book | 23 February 2006
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Extreme ultraviolet, Xenon, Ions, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Tin, Electrodes, Mirrors, Ionization, Reflectivity

Proceedings Article | 6 May 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5751, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.596753
KEYWORDS: Tin, Plasma, Extreme ultraviolet, Pulsed laser operation, Calibration, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Ions, Laser energy, Spectroscopy, Xenon

Proceedings Article | 6 May 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5751, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.596781
KEYWORDS: Tin, Plasma, Extreme ultraviolet, Spectroscopy, Ions, Spectrometers, Solids, Pulsed laser operation, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Lithium

Proceedings Article | 6 May 2005 Paper
Moza Al-Rabban, Christian Keyser, Simi George, Howard Scott, Vivek Bakshi, Martin Richardson
Proceedings Volume 5751, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.596767
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Tin, Ions, Xenon, Extreme ultraviolet, Pulsed laser operation, Extreme ultraviolet lithography, Data modeling, Optical simulations, Spherical lenses

Proceedings Article | 6 May 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5751, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.596764
KEYWORDS: Ions, Plasma, Tin, Mirrors, Atmospheric particles, Particles, Spectroscopy, Extreme ultraviolet, Reflectivity, Plasma generation

Proceedings Article | 20 May 2004 Paper
Ahmed Hassanein, Valeryi Sizyuk, Vladimir Tolkach, Vitali Morozov, T. Sizyuk, Bryan Rice, Vivek Bakshi
Proceedings Volume 5374, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.534269
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Extreme ultraviolet, Opacity, Magnetism, Monte Carlo methods, Instrument modeling, Absorption, Ions, Integrated modeling, Diffusion

Proceedings Article | 20 May 2004 Paper
Ahmed Hassanein, Tatiana Burtseva, Jean Paul Allain, Bryan Rice, Vivek Bakshi, Valery Safronov
Proceedings Volume 5374, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.534252
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Xenon, Hydrogen, Tungsten, Copper, Magnetism, Extreme ultraviolet, Particles, Scanning electron microscopy, Electrodes

Showing 5 of 15 publications
Conference Committee Involvement (3)
Emerging Lithographic Technologies XII
26 February 2008 | San Jose, California, United States
Emerging Lithographic Technologies XI
27 February 2007 | San Jose, California, United States
Emerging Lithographic Technologies X
21 February 2006 | San Jose, California, United States
Course Instructor
SC888: EUV Lithography
This course provides attendees with a full overview of the fundamentals, current status, and technical challenges of EUV Lithography. Topics covered include EUV Sources, EUV Source Metrology, EUV Optics, EUV systems and patterning, and EUV Mask. We will begin with an overview of the history of EUVL and cover EUV sources, EUV source metrology and EUV optics. Next is a discussion of EUVL systems and patterning. We cover the fundamental components of EUV systems and address similarities and differences to optical lithography systems. This section also covers patterning issues including flare, LER, and resist performance. We continue with an exploration of EUVL Mask technology issues such as design, materials including reflective multilayers, process and metrology. Finally we conclude with a Status Review of EUVL. Course material will be drawn from the accompanying texts EUV Sources for Lithography and EUV Lithography.
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