Prof. C. Grant Willson
at Univ of Texas at Austin
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (157)

Proceedings Article | 25 March 2019 Presentation + Paper
Proceedings Volume 10960, 109600Y (2019)
KEYWORDS: Optical lithography, Silicon

Proceedings Article | 25 March 2019 Presentation
Ji Yeon Kim, Natsuko Ito, XiaoMin Yang, Stephen Sirard, Austin Lane, Gregory Blachut, Yusuke Asano, Christopher Ellison, Nathaniel Lynd, C. Grant Willson
Proceedings Volume 10960, 109600S (2019)
KEYWORDS: Directed self assembly, Chromium, Chemistry, Polymers, Photomasks, High volume manufacturing, Manufacturing, Nanoimprint lithography, Lithography, Photoresist processing

Proceedings Article | 25 March 2019 Presentation
Proceedings Volume 10960, 109600J (2019)
KEYWORDS: Optical lithography, Photoresist materials, Polymers, Photoresist developing, Image resolution, Astatine

Proceedings Article | 22 March 2018 Paper
Gregory Blachut, Stephen Sirard, Andrew Liang, Chris Mack, Michael Maher, Paulina Rincon-Delgadillo, Boon Teik Chan, Geert Mannaert, Geert Vandenberghe, C. Grant Willson, Christopher Ellison, Diane Hymes
Proceedings Volume 10589, 1058907 (2018)
KEYWORDS: Etching, Silicon, Chemistry, Reactive ion etching, Directed self assembly, Semiconducting wafers, Dry etching, Scanning electron microscopy, Line edge roughness

Proceedings Article | 19 March 2018 Presentation
Natsuko Ito, Gregory Blachut, Yusuke Asano, Christopher Ellison, Grant Willson, Stephen Sirard, XiaoMin Yang, Austin Lane
Proceedings Volume 10584, 105840J (2018)
KEYWORDS: Directed self assembly, Lithography, Silicon, Polymerization, Silicon films, Reactive ion etching, Thin films, Photomasks, Thin film coatings, Chemistry

Showing 5 of 157 publications
Proceedings Volume Editor (2)

SPIE Conference Volume | 9 July 1986

SPIE Conference Volume | 21 May 1984

Conference Committee Involvement (14)
SPIE Advanced Lithography
21 February 2016 | San Jose, United States
SPIE Advanced Lithography
23 February 2014 | San Jose, United States
SPIE Advanced Lithography
24 February 2013 | San Jose, United States
SPIE Advanced Lithography
12 February 2012 | San Jose, United States
SPIE Advanced Lithography
27 February 2011 | San Jose, United States
Showing 5 of 14 Conference Committees
Course Instructor
SC101: Introduction to Microlithography: Theory, Materials, and Processing
The course covers the physics of aerial image generation, the chemistry that is responsible for generation of differential solubility in resists, and the effects of processing variables on the final relief image. While optical exposure is the major focus of this course, electron beam and x-ray exposure are also addressed, as is nanoimprint lithography. The physics section provides an explanation for interference effects and their influence on the aerial image together with a look at aspects of wave front engineering techniques such as phase shift mask design. The chemistry section provides an overview description of the chemical basis for various resist designs, including chemically amplified resists. There will also be a discussion of methods for pitch multiplication such as Self Aligned Double Patterning, DSA, etc. The course also includes a discussion of the influence of material and process variables on the tradeoffs between resolution, line edge roughness and throughput.
SC103: Chemically Amplified Resists
This course provides an overview of the theory, materials, and processes involved in lithographic pattern generation using chemically amplified resists. A perspective of the evolution of these materials is the basis of the introduction. The first section addresses the special problem of deep UV resist design and the research that led to deep UV resist development. This includes photoacid generators, high and low activation energy protecting groups, formulation and processing options and the influence of base (quenchers) on resist performance. The course includes a discussion of the chemistry and physics responsible for atmospheric contaminant sensitivity in acid catalyzed systems. There will be a discussion of resolution limits, line edge roughnss and performance trade offs in chemically amplified resists. The course will conclude with the instructor's view of the future.
SC622: Nano-Scale Patterning with Imprint Lithography
This course will start by discussing the basics of nanoimprint lithography including a discussion of the various kinds of imprint lithography. It will cover advantages and challenges of using imprint lithography for sub-100 nm and sub-50 nm patterning. The course will focus on step and repeat UV nanoimprint lithography tools and processes. Specific topics addressed will include: tool design and performance, process resolution limits, CD control, etch requirements, overlay alignment, process defects, materials development, and 1X mask infrastructure. Potential applications of the technology will also be discussed.
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